Dublin Shooter

By dublinshooter

Shoulda asked an Expert

Another totally unproductive day. Yesterday had been so bad that I'd actually forgotten that I was due my hormone injection today, so that's been put off until tomorrow. I have to order the injection in specially from my local pharmacy, so went down to them after lunch to organise that and contacted the doc to make an appointment for tomorrow.

While out and about anyway, I continued on for a fairly decent bit of a walk. Along the way, this gate caught my eye. I guess it had been a target for those nasty graffiti gurriers. I really do think the gate owners should have called in an expert rather than try to do the clean-up themselves: the cure is probably worse than the original problem.

I was back from my walk in plenty of time to make myself a cup of coffee and a sandwich and settle down in front of my iMac to keep tabs on the Apple special event from San Francisco. I have to say I found it a bit of a let-down: too long, too much recapping of what had already been covered at WWDC, and a bit of an antclimax when the iPhone 4S was finally unveiled. Still, I guess I had been sucked in too much to the media-driven hype and all the specualtion about an iPhone 5 and a new form factor. Actual examination of the specs suggests the 4S is definitely an improvement on the 4. Not for me, though, not so soon after getting my iPhone 4. Maybe in July 2013 when my contract runs out – maybe then I'll think about an upgrade to whatever Apple are offering then.

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