
Good Heavens!! The sun is shining! It's warm! And I have had the day off! Pottered around a bit, went into Bantry and bought a few more onion sets ready for planting. I came home along the Goat's Path on the northside of the peninsula - spectacular views across to Bantry Bay. The further you go the smaller the road gets and the bigger the drop down into the water! This side is less touched by the 21st century than the south and is full of ancient things waiting to be discovered. Some are on the map, some lie in wait of discovery. There are holy wells, mass rocks, neolithic copper mines, cilleens (old burial grounds) , hillforts, stone rows and plenty of isolated and majestic standing stones, all mostly ignored. I've admired this standing stone and its windswept companion for some time. It is a trudge across a big field usually full of cattle. Today the gate was open and the cows were on the other side of the road. So, off I went. The field was extremely boggy and full of cowpats and I was wearing sandals. Yes, I trod in both. It is a handsome stone, possibly aligned to a mountain on the other side of the bay. Why it was put there, we shall never know. I quite like that.

The strange shapes on the island out in the bay are colossal drums from an oil terminal.

Tonight we're going to see Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy. It has a star-studded cast. I'm expecting to be completely caught out by who are the good guys and who are the bad guys. I'm very bad at that kind of thing.

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