Sunny cove revisited

The sunshine was short-lived , we're back in the mist and drizzle and strong winds. Though as I write, there is a glimmer of blue sky appearing!! This little bay is called Sunny Cove, I've blipped it before from a different angle. It's a nice place for a swim in the summer if you're feeling brave enough. Beyond the windswept tree is a little headland which harbours unusual and interesting spring flowers, especially orchids. To the right is a little freshwater lagoon, where swans nest each spring.

Other than that, the main excitement has been the arrival of fours jays, who are loudly scoffing the last of the apples, high up in the tree. We've never had them in the garden before.

Tinker, Tailor etc was in both our opinions a bit disappointing. It was a beautifully made film but pretty opaque. The main characters just seem to glower suspiciously at each other and how the conclusion was reached was a bit of a mystery. Also I don't remember the 70s having such a brown feel to them. And the couple next to us spent the whole time eating vast amounts of popcorn, coughing and talking - harrumph!!

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