The Edge of the Wold

By gladders


A kestrel hunts over farmland just outside Arnside, hanging almost motionless, balanced on the breeze.

It was a day for staying in today. Grey and wet most of the day, with a slight relief in the afternoon when we went out to buy some bulbs for the garden. I had intended to go for a walk, but rain-induced laziness stopped me.

I have got into bad habits since last year when I set out to walk at least a mile every day, and but for one day managed that and considerably more. I felt so much better for it, even those rainy days like today when I was soaked.

A year ago: a special moment when Matt and I encountered the white hart in the pine plantation at Foulshaw. It's worth a look, and in large too, to see the little creature hidden in the grass behind her.

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