Kirstie Gossage

By KirstieG

Hmmmmmmm no idea of a title

Oooo, I was a bit sleepy this morning! I had to drag myself out of bed this morning - I think it is the dark morning that make it all the harder. Bit of a long and taxing day too :)

I could do well without having to go to London tomorrow, especially because I forgot I booked the 647am train - ouch!!!

We took the dogs a lovely long walk around the secret field tonight. I didnt take any decent photos so I have fallen back to the trusty dogs - well it has been 4 days since you last saw them............They raced around and around the field tonight so lots of tongues hanging out!!!

Dinner is sausage, mash, veggies and onion gravy! Yummy!!

Just giving Mum a lesson on the ipad - they have invested in one. Teaching a 59 year old is not as easy as you would think!!!! A glass of wine has been poured :_

Catch up with you all later...........

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