Kirstie Gossage

By KirstieG

A Few Of My Favourite Things........Part 5

As Lily said yesterday I love dogs' noses, so I guess they class as one of my favourite things! I haven't Blipped any of my favourite things for ages, so here we go.....very easy to do when Blip block strikes!

I think it is fair to say I have been been bitten by the tsetse fly today. I woke at 5am and despite feeling very sleepy couldn't go back off...... until about 15 minutes before the alarm went off. Don't you just hate it when that happens!

Tomorrow I am in Oxford for two meetings...the first one is a Christmas cook off. Yes, Christmas!! The area managers and chefs have to see how to cook the menu we are selling for Christmas. There is Baileys cheesecake and fruit pavlova on there, not to mention the camembert. Not sure I will be ready to try it all at 830am though!!

So, an early night is in order for me tonight - no cinema night with the girls - I need my beauty sleep!!!

One step nearer the weekend. I hope today has been good for y'all!

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