
OOOoooooooo it feels like a bloody age since last weekend. I even had to have a little nanny nap when I finished work at 4pm.

For the first week in an age we have bugger all planned and I am going to make the most of it. Mum has arrived in London, ready to see two shows, and we are on dog sitting duty for their mad dog who barks at EVERYTHING and EVERYONE out the window. Cornish pasties (bought up with mum from Tintagel) are in the oven and smelling divine. The food shop is done so the fridge is fit to bursting with deliciousness and obviously plenty of wine.

I bought sunflowers today that are all fluffy but kinda forgot all the vases are in use in already - I feel like Elton John with flowers in every room :).

I am determined to finish at least one of the three books I have on the go at the minute......and I bet I dont! A weekend of reality TV, wine, takeout, fresh air, cooking and laziness lays ahead and I am welcoming it with open arms :)

Happy friday Blip Folks :)

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