The Life Of Ponty Cyclops

By pontycyclops

I WAS AT A COCKTAIL PARTY ... - October Origins

I promised Fisherking that I would do a blip to cheer him up tonight. He is laid up with a bad back (bad in bed under the doctor as we say in these parts!).

His blip inspired this one!

Another one of my blips entitled inanimate object on kitchen table it turns out!

Fisherking said he was reading a Terry Pratchett Discworld novel to cheer himself up.

I've blipped a Discworld figurine before so perhaps high time I did again.

Discworld played a large part in my growing up. I have read all the books pretty much as soon as they came out over the years. In fact I was a bit of a book worm until recently. Hopefully, when things settle down in the New Year I will pick up the bug again. I have a pile of unread books here to wade through!

Other books that I remember and recommend are the Necroscope Series by Brian Lumley. The best set of books on vampires ever .. as Pratchett taught me that you can keep your Harry Potter, Lumley taught me there was more to life than Anne Rice!

The Otherworlds Series by Tad Williams was another that left me empty when I finished it. The first set of books I remember doing that to me was The Belgariad series by David Eddings.

There are only a handful of books I have read twice. The Lord Of The Rings being my biggest accomplishment! I've read the Necroscope series twice, many years apart!

That should be enough for anyone to be getting along with ... happy reading!

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