Bell Boy

Despite my concerns, Pio seems to have forgiven me for putting a bell around his neck. He scratches at it a little bit, but for the most part seems fine with the new arrangement.

He was smoochy, following Cousteau and me around the garden this afternoon. Hopefully he'll continue to accept the new normal; though I have been told several stories about clever cats who have been able to work around the 'bell problem'. Pio is a bright boy; I wonder how long it will take him?

So, went to Mass this morning. I was so tired; I had to ask D and Est for a ride into town. They very kindly obliged.

Then home to some lunch and a cuppa. I've been rather lacklustre. I took some very nice photos of flowers and of snails making snail babies. This shot of Pio was my fave though; it was actually an accident - a happy one.

Cousteau and I are going to have a little snooze now; then out for a dog walk, choir practice for B's granddad's funeral tomorrow and dinner. B and D are coming round to watch the rugby at 9. I might have to leave them to it; bit of a late one last night.

Anyway, my little nana nap beckons ...

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