Evening sky

After all the long hours spent on the ex-boss's job, and I guess out of sheer relief that it was all over, I had the best night's sleep in ages last night, and didn't wake until 11:30 am.

It wasn't long, though, before the job reared its ugly head again, with frantic calls from the webcast organisers about the old bugbear: incompatibilities between Keynote and Powerpoint. I worked on a workaround for a few hours and finally got time to myself again by 3:15.

Cue fresh air and out-of-the-officeness! It was a nice sunny day, and it was good to get out and about. I didn't fancy standing waiting for the DART, so drove to Malahide, settling for a nice walk around the Castle demesne. It was all a bit quiet and deserted, and there was a distinct chill in the air, but I still enjoyed it enormously, and felt the better for the walking.

Stupidly, I'd managed to mix up my camera batteries, loading an almost dead one and bringing a spare which was totally dead. So I resorted to the switch on/switch off solution to eke out as much power as possible. Oh how I wished for the brand-new, fully-charged battery which I'd left at home! Anyway, I got a few shots, of which this was my favourite.

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