Kirstie Gossage

By KirstieG

Brass Monkeys

We still don't have the heating on..........yes, you read correctly!!! BUT I think Mr G is coming round to my way of thinking and the heating may well be going on tonight. He genuinely doesn't feel the cold - in winter he walks around the house in shorts whilst I have three layers on, not to mention a couple of throws over me!

When we got home last night the house was a little cold to say the least. We live in a three storey Victorian house (4 storey if you could the freezing cold cellar!) and we currently sleep on the top floor. We aren't carpet people so we have carpet on the stairs and that it is really. Yes, I know you are feeling the cold of our house just from those descriptions.

Mr G argues that it is nice getting into a cold bed and warming it up.............hmmmmmmm, it just makes me put on more PJs and bed socks!

Anyway, I love my slippers. I have two pairs of slipper boots from Ruby and Ed. These are almost thread bare and another pair are on my wish list from Santa..........

Off out again tonight to a charity quiz with my Mother-In-Law......wish me luck, I think we may need it!

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