Kirstie Gossage

By KirstieG

Sun rise

With a view like this sunrise it isn't really too much of a hardship being up early doors :)

Just waiting for Mr G to come home from work and we will take the pups a walk. The roast chicken is cooking in the oven smelling delicious. Tonight I may suggest an evening in the snug with a fire, my book, the ipad and lots of our favourite music playing.

We have a new found addiction for Suduko....god knows where it has come from!! It is good for the brain though and sometimes I put down the answers before I know where they have come from! Very bizarre. Mr G can play that while I read my book - it is just getting good and I cant put it down.

Nothing else to report...........almost the weekend :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

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