Swimming Against The Tide

By ViolaMaths

Filing Cabinets

The plans for an early night went a bit wrong last night. The Wonderspouse phoned at around 10 and told me he was in his office - he'd missed his bus because of a bus stop closure and would have to wait for the last one - arrival back at the bus stop at around 12.45 am!

So I ended up driving to the bus stop in dressing gown and slippers just before 1 in the morning! Then we got up at 5.55! The result was that I was very tired this morning. I stopped at Costa on the way into college and had a latte in order to try to keep awake for the morning's lesson observation. The room was warm, and the lesson was long.

I kept myself amused inbetween taking observation notes by writing a letter to MiL (to keep her amused during long boring sessions hooked up to the chemo) and then drawing a plan of our dream house (which I plan to build, at dolls house scale, from wood, when I have a moment free). The plan was rather seriously not to scale - and the result was that the "rabbit room" (in which I plan to keep lop-eared bunnies) looked like it was bigger than our sitting room, dining room, kitchen and utility room combined!

After college I got a bus back to Scharwenka's. I managed to befuzzle the driver by climbing aboard, handing over my money, and asking, politely for a ticket to the city centre!

We were in the city centre!


Then I collected the car from Scharwenka's and drove back into town since I was meeting the Wonderspouse in order to collect filing cabinets. These two needed "rehoming", and since we rarely refuse free furniture, we were rehoming them! I plan to put a load of OU course materials in mine.

I drove home, then spent the afternoon sorting bits and pieces out, watching Octonauts, and then collecting the Wonderspouse from the bus. He got the filing cabinets out of the car, and they're now residing in the kitchen until we have the time and energy to install them in a more appropriate place. In the meantime, Felix is super-excited about them and spent ages sniffing them madly, rubbing every corner and hurtling round the house with excitement! Worth bringing them home for the feline entertainment value alone!

So now it's supper, Waterloo Road and Dinosaurs. Then an early night. We're all home, so hopefully no bus disaster or anything else will keep me from an early bath and bedtime tonight!

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