
By earthdreamer

The House on the Hill

A long day at the office dealing with lots of housekeeping on the new software - the kind of thing the end user never sees, but is essential to long-term maintenance. Not my favourite thing as there is nothing really to show for a lot of effort, but it has to be done.

The most exciting news of the day is that I have been emulated! Click here to see! Actually, I think it's not so much an emulation but an enhancement. I feel very honoured. I'm not sure if I've ever been emulated before. It's left me with a kind of warm fuzzy feeling all over. I rather like it. Cheers Mr Trials and Tribulations. If you're not familiar with this journal then go check it out. It's one of the most entertaining around, as well as featuring some damn fine photographs.

I knew there wouldn't be too much opportunity to escape once I got to the office, so this was taken from the edge of the moor just before getting the train to Shipley and just after the morning rain had cleared through. It's an interpretive complement to yesterday's representational view of White Wells. Different people will have different preferences. I'm rather enjoying moving between these various types of photography at the moment. Where does your preference lay?

Need to catch the train home now. Not sure how much chance I'll get to catch up later. Once again I really appreciate all the feedback at a time when I'm struggling to reciprocate.

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