just allan

By allan

Peaceful Protest

Anti-capitalist tents in St Andrew Square, Edinburgh.

After work I had a pint to celebrate that I GOT MY MSc!!! With Merit I'll have you know. Bloody hell. Five long years.

And talking of 5 years, Little Katie is 5 today. We had a great "Happy Birthday To You" at 7AM in her room, and very lovely it all was. Some photos on Flickr.

Ironically (see below) for me, I then spent the day in a fairly ancient financial building, "correctly called Dundas House," on St Andrew Square, sitting in the now-dilapidated Board Room (where nobody has wound the beautiful old clock for a very long time) and sweating the small stuff over massive IT investments. Then I popped out at lunch to have a chat with the protesters. Interesting, but mainly for the sunshine and fresh air.

Ironies abound: The pillar is the Melville Monument, commemorating Henry Dundas, the first viscount Melville. Nobody much knows that, really. No bloody wonder - nasty establishment character. Some choice recommendations include : "Influential in obstructing the abolition of the Slave Trade," "Largely held responsible for the lack of organization and confused planning in the Flanders Campaign," "The last person to be impeached in the United Kingdom ... for the misappropriation of public money (1806)". Given all that, his connections were sufficient to ensure the erection of this massive edifice in his honour, completed in 1828.

All in all, it seems entirely appropriate that the crusties have gathered around this establishment bounder to protest at the power of money and privilege. I doubt any of them realise just how appropriate.

Explaining to the unwashed, unemployed, well-meaning and ultimately likeable guy that what he is really asking for is more financial regulation, was interesting. It turned out he was annoyed about two main things: first, the received wisdom that "fat cats" are running the world to suit themselves. And second, that unsafe selling of financial products to those who cannot reasonably repay is ... well, bad.

The second of which I strongly agree with. The former... well, there are these people called shareholders and it is the DUTY of business to serve their shareholders' interests first and foremost - by making money - however, whenever, wherever that is permissable. So, more Regulation is required to reduce the Risk profile of the Profit-taking. OK? Have a nice day!

Home in the evening for quiet wine-ness and general relaxing. Very decadent.

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