With One Eye Wide Open


I'm in a dark mood today. I had to say goodbye to a dear colleague. He had to move on to a new job. I hate goodbyes.

I guess i'm having one of those days where I just want to lock myself in a room and never come out for a long time. The leg is bloody frustrating me again. I know I promised to look at the bright side but it's bringing my spirit down. I was suppose to start my level 2 Spanish today but I didn't feel like going so I opted to miss my first class. This choice is surely going to wreck my head if and when I decide to go next week. Oh well, I wish I knew how to say "whatever" in Spanish!

I've started reading Tao of Photography (either this will lift my mood or the time reading it will completely be wasted) and this quote from Chuang-Tzu mentioned in the book made me pick this blip for today. This image probably also reflect how i'm feeling at the moment. Like running away to somewhere....

"Perfect Yin is stern and frigid;
Perfect Yang is bright and glittering.
The sternness and frigidity come forth from heaven,
the brightness and glitter emerge from the earth;
the two mingle, penetrate, come together, harmonize,
and all things are born therefrom"

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