Kirstie Gossage

By KirstieG

Ray Of Sunshine

I went for a run this morning and I was piping hot when I get back so striped off and collapsedsat on the sofa to catch my breath. Next thing I know, Casper has grabbed my top and carried it to his spot in the sun and lay on it.

Our two always do this, as soon as garments of clothing come off, the dogs take them up the garden, into their beds, behind the name it! It has been known to dig up socks in the garden when doing the weeding!

Anyway, today's shot is Casper enjoying the mid morning sun.

I am very chuffed as I have just won an Orla Kiely bag on eBay - it seems in near perfect condition, finger's crossed it is when it arrives :)

I am off to meet Sarah for dinner tonight so wanted to Blip before I head out early evening. I am so glad it is the weekend and this is a lovely way to start the weekend. I have to say this week I am sure someone added in an extra day without me knowing - last weekend seems a distant memory.

A busy weekend planned starting tonight. Happy Friday everyone x

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