In the Creative zone

Son #2 is spending the first part of Saturday afternoon doing some, 'mix, mix, mix' as he calls it in order that he can do some painting.

I've just asked him what he's painting. He replied, 'A picture'. Ask a silly question. He now has expanded on his initial reply and has announced that he's painting a yellow tunnel which cannot be placed on the wall as it's a 'special, special one'.

Son #1 and I went to football coaching this morning and had an easy time of it as we had a professional coach taking the session. My fellow coaches and I stood on the sidelines, shooting the breeze and watching for top tips, whilst trying not to look too envious at the ease at which the coach directed the boys.

Saturday afternoon is all about the parties. Party #1 at the Sports Centre followed by a Halloween party.

I have a window of 20 minutes or so in which to try and plan the next week at school. Chances of success = zero.

Through the wonders of blipfoto I find myself being invited on to BBC Radio Bristol tomorrow morning. If you are really stuck for something to do at around 11 you can hear me wittering on via the radio or the internet!.

I'm even less eloquent speaking than writing so don't get your hopes up!

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