
laying the foundation blocks.....of learning to paint with oil!! Boy i'm having a great time, but there is this part of me that just wants to be able to take the image i have photographed, and paint it.....but i know that i first must build a foundational knowlege of how to achieve certain colours.

Having taught pottery to many people over the past 15-20 years i recognise that driving desire.....they come into the pottery studio, seduced by the look of a pot being thrown on the wheel, by the tactile quality of having your hands in the clay, and the idea of a beautiful teapot in their imagination.....and then they have a try! Reality's way harder than it looks!! Likewise, with a's way harder, more subtle and involves so much more than just having an idea and putting the colour onto the canvas.

I've been doing the guided lessons in a very good book The Oil Painting Course You've always wanted! by Kathleen Lochen Staiger
It is so informative, and i'm learning all about chroma, hue, the colour wheel etc. I did some painting many years ago, and have a small understanding of the colour wheel....but this is more extensive, and having the experiential aspect is so different from just having the theory!

So, it's been a very blustery, wet and horrid day out i've happily concentrated on painting for the past few hours....nice way to spend a dreary sunday afternoon!

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