Night shots 1 - A view from the North Bridge

Hey, my Dizzy blip made it to the Spotlight!! Thank you very much :)

I have decided that I need some practice with night shots now, so my new theme will be shots taken at night time, which is quite handy now that nights are drawing in. See how it goes. Again, join me if you wish!

Quieter day today at work. I was feeling a bit sore because yesterday I went to the gym after not having gone for a while. Nothing much of interest happened today really. I wish I had exciting things happening to me every day, but that's not the case.

I'm relaxing now at home. I'll have a long day at work tomorrow, so I'll need a good night sleep.

Thanks again for all your nice comments, stars and favourites for my dizzy experiment! I do really appreciate them. I hope you all had a good day! :)

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