Off Centre

By RachelCarter

'The writing fairy is late'...

...I wrote in my notebook at 11.01 on 01.11.11

For some reason I was so satisfied with the neat little numbers of the time and date that I wasn't bothered that on Day 1 of NaNoWriMo 2011 (National Novel Writing Month) I hadn't received the brain interference I get when I get possessed by a character in order to start writing.

I applied all my known 'Get possessed by a main character' seance techniques: had a long, noisy shower, listened to Radio 4, made notes on interesting/inspiring sentences - I found Michael Marmott the scientist/social science commentator-type person very interesting and wrote down lots of his little gems:
'Status syndrome' 'Stress kills' 'Not so "tough at the top" because although high demand, there is more control.'
High demand + LOW control = most stressful.'
'Stress rubric.' (I love the word 'rubric' and even played around with it for a while)
'Resources to take control' 'EDUCATION'

And how about this for a story prompt: 'We are not all equally given the conditions which give us control'
I may get something from that when I wake up...

I listened to an Afgani woman next who said that women are more worried about their security than their rights in Afganistan right now. That's an interesting and sad situation.

I then listened to Jeanette Winterson talking about her adoptive mother burning her books (!) She has some lovely gems:
'I had no idea what was missing but I was aware of a missingness. '
'Whatever is on the outside can be taken away at any time. Only what is on the inside is safe. ' - isn't that lovely?
Well all that didn't prompt me to start anything so I played some Handel and Pergolesi on the flute. Then some Haydn on the piano. I even got out my old grade 8 books from [ahem-ty ahem] years ago and played, reading my teacher's scribbles about 'more dark and mysterious here' 'Don't BUMP!' I smiled thinking how my playing is like my writing. There are places it needs working and working on and other bits that just flow.
I tried hanging out washing in the sunshine next. I often get ideas when I'm doing that.
Too noisy though. I think someone was stuck in the mud because there was lengthy revving and the air was thick with diesel fumes.
Next I put on some loud music.
Well... maybe a little boogie to the Libertines, if I'm honest.
At 2.54pm I wrote, ' I don't seem to be writing anything yet...'
I decided to ask any Twitter people available at the time to give me a prompt word. I got 13 words. Well 14, but I'm ignoring that one!

Then I thought 'Feck it' (or similar) went for walk ( I say 'walk'... Perhaps more of a squelch) took some photos (including this one), and then the evening craziness was upon us. Richard went to a surf club meeting and I had a grocery delivery. I've just sat down now (8.45).

I'm not going to try to write anything now. I'm stewing.
Yes. that's what I'm doing.

(Less blip words tomorrow. I promise. )

PS Don't give me any 'how to get started' ideas. I know them all. I have my own ways

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