
Standing along the verge of the trail, this buck looked very regal and in command of his territory; however, he wasn't the least bit threatening. He walked close enough that I could get this picture, no cropping required, and just kind of hung out while I did some blipping. After I turned away, he crossed the path, and a man walked this close to him so he could capture a picture with the camera on his phone. I think he was more than a little foolish to get so close to those antlers, but the buck must have been in a mellow mood because he just continued to wander down the trail.

The other day I mentioned my 94 year old friend who apparently had a stroke and this week lost her memory. The doctors say it is permanent loss, but Bob and I went to visit her this evening, and I was heartened to see that she still has her feisty personality. Memory is gone, but we were still able to have a conversation. I felt blessed by that. She is a remarkable woman.

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