Seeing as I am

By seeingasiam


...well, to an optometrist anyway.

I found these in the practice cellar on Wednesday. Funny to think they were once in regular use. The cellar is full of still-life fodder and I'm having fun picking my way through it...though I don't like the spiders, which are the size of small dogs!

H had a blast at Bosworth Battlefield and has been bending my ear about it all evening. He met a slave and a Centurion and was very impressed by both. The slave showed them how to make stuffed dormice (the mind boggles) and milk-fed-snails (boggles a bit more). I don't mind admitting I was blissfully ignorant about the Battle of Bosworth until today but now feel as though I'm something of an expert.

I didn't grow up round here so my history was different. We learned all about the Cistercian monks who diverted the course of the River Arrow and thus helped to establish Redditch as a settlement. Mrs Mallion would be impressed (or amazed) that I seem to have retained most of that information, but as she was about 103 when she taught me and probably knew most of the monks personally I'm assuming she's long-departed this world.

I know a lot about the needle industry too! And I'm willing to place a bet that little kiddies growing up in Redditch and Studley today are learning exactly the same stuff we did :-) Wonder if H will remember his history lessons. He has trouble remembering what he had for lunch so it's probably a long shot!

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