Seeing as I am

By seeingasiam

The Boy in the Painting...

...with the dirty great stick!

Hmmm...a lot of my Sunday shots seem to follow the same theme: small boy, large stick, larger forest. Probably because many of my Sundays follow the same theme.

Something about this reminded me of a painting by Claude Lorrain (Constable-esque trees...teeny figures, seemingly dropped in as an opinion only and apologies to any Lorrain fans ;-)

Went to Bob's brother's wedding yesterday...I'll back-blip later, when I've checked it's all ok with the participants. Lovely day, lovely couple and lots and lots of laughs.

Today we trotted off for a walk and the boys lugged big sticks about, threw stones in puddles and shuffled through leaves like good 'uns. I hope the boys remember these walks with fondness. We will...well, we'll remember being given custody of every piece of treasure to carry, and for 'treasure' read leaves, sticks, mouldy bark, teeny (and probably highly toxic) mushrooms...nut, bolts, acorns and someone's glove...and that was just today! We have to 'lose' most of it on the way back to the car ;-)

Made a fab Morrocan slow-cooked lamb as a change to the usual Sunday roast. Three out of four of us liked it. H refused to touch it. New tastes take time with H. Noah eats first and asks questions later ;-)

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