
By Appreciation

Here Come The Girls

We have visitors from Sweden staying over the weekend. Karin and Balder have regularly returned to Edinburgh since Balder started school here over 7 years ago. My boy is always thrilled to see them. It is reassuring to know that teenagers are the same the world over.

Tonight we visited the Hopetoun House Firework display. I though that having seen many Edinburgh Festival and New Year displays there would be little that was new. My goodness I was wrong, it was magnificent, much better than the summer display. Our friends had never seen any fireworks so big before and were thrilled.

This is a bit of pre-firework entertainment. Two skimpily clad young ladies hula hooping with fire. Maybe that's what I need to do to get the hoop started, I'm sure a burn or two would get my hips swaying again!

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