The high seat...

The November weather seems to be sapping my Blip mojo...Today I just wasn't really in the mood for photography. The morning was beautifully sunny, but as I'd arranged to take Chris and dogs for a walk in the afternoon I didn't venture out to take advantage of it. Instead of taking photographs I had a productive cooking session - cheese and onion pasties, banana bread, apple and almond pudding and a dip made with chickpeas, sun-dried tomato, chilli and lime. Not sure how long it'll last though!

After taking Chris to buy some new shoes (as his had large holes in the soles) we headed out to Bedford Purlieus to take the dogs for their traditional birthday walk. Of course by this time the sun had gone to be replaced by sullen grey clouds. But at least the wonderful warm hues of the beech and birch trees lifted our spirits and the dogs had a wonderful time chasing squirrels and rabbits. Despite being 12 years old they can still put up a decent turn of speed at least for a moment or two...

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