Common knapweed

Today has been unrelentingly dismal and grey with persistent mizzle - it hardly seemed to get light and we've had the lights on all day. Outdoor photography would have been unpleasant and unproductive, so I went as far as the patio and found this fresh flowerhead of common knapweed Centaurea nigra, a common species of meadows and verges on neutral to calcareous soils, which I brought inside to photograph.

I've had a quiet but fairly productive day. It was an early start, but instead of driving to Huntingdon I took Alex and Chris to the station. Alex went south on the 7.14 London train, and Chris headed north on the 7.20 to Leeds. I think this may become a regular trip, and is certainly less tiring, but it annoys me that young people aren't allowed to use their Railcards on local journeys before 10am - they want to screw every last penny out of them! I then spent the morning report writing, ripped out a carpet after lunch and spent the afternoon working with Ben on chemical structure.

Thanks to everyone for the lovely comments, hearts and stars for yesterday's image - I really hadn't expected such a warm response on a day when I felt distinctly uninspired!

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