
As I write this I can hear the chatter and laughter of young people next door, who are having a Zumba session. We've had a huge bonfire in the garden, thanks to a major conifer pruning session. At one point I was a little worried about our willow tree, but it seems to have survived, unscathed, despite the ascending showers of flames and sparks. We also had some fireworks, provided by our guests. The baked potatoes in the fire were mostly successful although one or two were more like charred hand grenades.

Otherwise it's been a fairly quiet day. I felt a bit better this morning and decided to do some more painting of the woodwork. I started off OK but I should have stopped sooner, and by the end I was feeling very odd again and had to lie down for a while to recover. I should have taken the dogs out this afternoon, but I decided not to tempt fate and anyway the sullen grey weather wasn't very encouraging. Off to bed now in the hope of a good night's sleep.

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