Precious Beads

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Oh deary me, what is a girl to do in weather like this? It's forecast cold, grey & grim for the rest of the week. After the glorious day yesterday, to this! But as ever nose deep into the grass I discover this web (two in fact, but I ruined one trying to remove a grass blade, don't ask!)

This time last year, I was still a young blipper, excited at what winter would bring for my daily blip. Now in my second year, I'm clued up! And looking at the months ahead, I can't say I'm looking forward to it! I'm an outdoor girl, indoors fill me with the heebie jeebies, what is flash? Lighting? What??? So this is a blip today saying, my photographs are going to become pretty dire, I'm just warning you now! ;-) Expect sheer utter rubbish, especially these coming days, as there's no sun anywhere on the forecast for the next 5 days!

No cat, so:

It's all in the head

But is it?

Thanks to all the overwhelming comments from yesterday's Mellow Fruitfulness - the last glorious day of the year, I'm sure of it... the garden looks dead, the bees have gone to sleep, the butterflies are tucked up somewhere. The birds are still light on the ground for any good shots & the wind will be picking up soon & I'm going to be photographless (no it's not a word) & so I shall be blipless (no that's not a word either), but I NEED to take photos every day to keep sane....

I hope everyone has had a happy Monday nonetheless :) xxx

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