Fogged off.

I am, as predicted, knackered. After years of merrell trainers and jeans, the transition into boots with heels and skirts has done my legs in. I know feel as though I've walked downhill backwards. (If you've never tried that, don't. It's one of the procedures that is used in exercise physiology to induce muscle soreness. Just trust me, it hurts!).

Still, first day over and I now have a nice clean office space to call my own. Tomorrow I'll get to begin the task of research tech in the dept of psychiatry proper. Not exactly sure what it is going to entail just yet, but I think tomorrow will be comfortable shoes to give my legs a chance to recover.

Blip will have to sort itself around the job until I can get a routine established.

The shot was taken on the way into work. Fog everywhere. Was supposed to be watching the Aberdeen game with D n D but it was cancelled as a result. However, had a curry instead. Not too shabby!

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