
Neuro exam 2 down. Done. Finito. Complete.
Took a study break over lunch at Anthro. I haven't been out shopping in such a long time. It was wonderful. Colors and fabrics and design and inspiration and so many $$ worth of clothing. Makes me sad I do not have a discount there anymore. I got the most beautiful green sweater though. It's seriously killer. I'll take a portrait in it or something. On a good day. When I have time to shower and look presentable.
Today was the longest day of my life. It's felt like the past 14 days have just morphed into one long, partly-dark day. Never ending. I feel like I'm in a dream that I can't wake up from. But in this dream, I have a headache. My brain is too large for my skull so it decides to vacate my head and live elsewhere. I haven't heard from it recently. Please write soon. Miss you, big guy.
Apparently my brain is a man. That sounds better than "big girl".

Okay. This has to stop.

Just felt another earthquake (4.7 on the richter scale). It reverberated down from OKC again. There was a huge one on Saturday night - 5.2. (Awesome.) I love feeling them.. from a distance. They're so much bigger here than any I felt in Oregon. Crazytown.

I'm pretty good at feeling earthquakes. If there was a job that could pay me to feel earthquakes, I bet I could make a lot of money. Assuming they paid a lot of money for said job. But I'm in medical school. And I'm not making any money learning everything about brains and neurons and vestibular nuclei. Have I mentioned how much I love the eye and everything about it?

Oh, ophthalmology. One day.

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