Fish Shop Props

At the end of the afternoon we stopped by our small local fish shop and took home a pair of Spanish mackerel filets for supper.

Anxious for a blip I spied this grouping on the high counter. I moved things around a bit for effect, but a better setting was out of the question. The towering shorebird ("wader" for the Brits) is strictly generic--I'll not attempt an ID. Nearby was a small sign noting:"Old Fishermen never die, they just smell that way."

Our presentation last night to the Allen Bird Club was at the Springfield Science Museum (yesterday's blip has more). Since I'd last seen our small auditorium, it had been renovated as the "Jurassic Theater," with a giant model of a pterosaur (popularly know as a pterodactyl) overlooking us in the back (fittingly, one of the most bird-like of dinosaur-like creatures).

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