LocalBoy & His Fotographs

By stevenbirrell

The Highlight Of My Morning

I was going to call this blip 'I Know His Name Isn't Albert Hitchcock' after my wee faux pas yesterday! I am still pleased that people are looking on here in the first place, nevermind sending me emails about the journal (good evening Tom if you are watching!). I am blaming it on tiredness, travelling, getting old (delete as appropriate). Or those great telly ads for Albert Bartlett potatoes with Marcia Cross have had a big impact! Whatever it is, I have always been of the opinion that if you can't laugh at yourself....

....which is just as well, as this morning was an odd one. Got up to get ready for London and got in the shower after shaving and brushing my teeth. Few minutes in, something didn't feel right. Then I realised...I had showered already, before the shave and teeth brushing! D'oh!

Then the plane to London was delayed, not by much but it did mean today was pretty full on and became a bit of a whistlestop tour, in to office for a few hours and then straight back to the airport and home.

Before heading for the airport, I managed to catch this. About five minutes later the sun came up and was shining brightly...and then disappeared behind grey clouds. This is the view from my front door. On clear days you can see right across to Arthur's Seat and Edinburgh Castle. Heading to Edinburgh on Saturday for a few hours work and hopefully take the camera and get a nice blip in the capital.

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