A Slow Life

By Sootmouth

Movember Day: Eleven

Razor 3 : Chris 0.

I cut myself *three* times today - I'm getting worse! You can't see any of the damage but trust me there are two long vertical scratches not far from my left ear.

Shirt: Purple. This one gets a lot of compliments and I often find myself humming the tune to 'Purple Rain' after putting it on.

Accessory: A feathered mask. This was bought by my boss Alison for my 2008 Movember pictures. It's difficult to covey much behind a mask so I (hopefully) chose an expression that can push through it. You'll notice how the shirt matches the purple feathers - a byproduct of watching too much Trinny and Susannah.

Expression: Excited. This is me shouting 'Yay!'. I did also try whooping but it turned out way too Frank Spencer for my liking.

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