Seeing as I am

By seeingasiam

The Bird-Watcher

He loves a good fat pigeon does Archie :-) He's come close to catching one a few times too. This is him staking out the bird bath. Trouble is, he's separated from the bird-bath by our patio window, and he's never quite worked out that glass is see-through but not walk-through. He kind of gets it most of the time but when he spots quarry (the next-door neighbour's cat for instance) he goes for the most direct route, and bashes his nose...every time...for five years. When brains were handed out, Archie probably had his head stuck down a rabbit-hole somewhere!

Work this morning...a most enjoyable session, and on the way home I treated myself to a car valet. I don't do it often, it feels far too indulgent but my little Fiat 500 is all sparkly and sweetly clean now. And I killed the hour and a bit it took, wandering round the shops, mentally ticking off my Christmas present list. I have some fab ideas now.

Home-made Cornish pasties for supper. Then a dose of Strictly Come Dancing to finish off the evening.

H has just thrown a HUGE wobbly over something small and silly but my good mood will not be punctured :-) He'll calm down in a minute...or I'll lock him in a cupboard somewhere until tomorrow...

N.B. Please note this last part was said in jest...mostly.

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