Failing to surf!

Wigeon (Anas penelope)

Best with embiggification, I think!

It was such a beautiful day, golden Autumn light, and I was actually able to grab the camera-bag and get outside during daylight hours! I decided some birds were in order, especially since I haven't managed an entry for the BWPA challenge so far.

I searched for places to go within a bus ride from the house, and discovered that I hadn't been to Levenhall Links. A very pleasant afternoon. Also saw whimbrel, curlew, peewit, twite, velvet scoter, long-tailed duck, the usual herons, gulls and oystercatchers and also various waders which were all sitting with their beaks under their oxters so I couldn't identify them...they might have been ruff, which I've never photographed before, so I'm calling them that.
There was also a rare sighting of Cornu vaccae-wilmingtonensis ;)

Two older gentlemen along the seafront proudly showed me some great photos they had taken earlier in the day of a short-eared owl and a red-throated diver/loon.

I think this won't be my only birding trip to Musselburgh....

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