A Slow Life

By Sootmouth

Movember: Day Thirteen

Hmmm... the soothing aloe vera strip on my razor fell off today so perhaps it's time to start on a new one. Nearly at the two week stage mo' wise - whoo-hoo!

Shirt: This is a short sleeved summer number. It gets quite a lot of remarks, perhaps because I'm not really known for my 'summery-ness'. A big brother gift obviously.

Accessory: A glass of sauvignon blanc.

Expression: Haughty, snobbish, superior. This trilogy of looks was demanded, yes demanded, by my friend and kind Movember donor Michael. He works at Oxford University - and we're not talking Oxford Brookes either - so he knows a thing or two about haughtiness, snobbery and superiority (I actually think it's a condition of employment).

Hopefully I've managed to emote sufficient scorn to please Michael. But if I haven't, well... he's only a colonial parvenu after all!

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