Monkey Tail

Doogie's wonderful efforts at his Movember. Brilliant effort so far with the Monkey Tail effect, I'm loving it! Well done boyo. Doogie tried to grow a moustache in the time off we had together last year in Japan. He had a job which didn't allow one so over 7 days he did try his best, but I must say this year is a fantastic effort - keep it up Walker.

So good to see DW, its been a few weeks as he started his course in Glasgow as a Master of Arts in Dancing Boyness and I started my law course. I picked him up from a show he was doing and we went back to J and Andy's. They have been away for a week and it was a nice surprise for them to come home too.

While Doogie was dancing at his show I went and hung out with Heather and the kids. Olivia told me she had a boyfriend (she's almost 4) and his name was Roman and Josh!!! Hmmm....2 BF's...She admitted that they had kissed then got shy. Heather laughed she knew about the Roman boy as they'd been seen kissing while he was dressed up as a princess...ah to be 4 again. The kiss was just a peck lol. How I love my god daughters banter x

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