step away...

...just step away

i guess i was getting a bit too close... he began squawking up a storm - and then his friends joined in, too... what a great noise it became... but he didn't move - just stood there as i snapped...

now i know he's a simple black bird - i think... i don't believe he's a special species or anything super devine in the bird family... but i was struck by his beauty nonetheless. i mean - look at him will you... just look...

the way the sun is shining down on his feathers... causing them to almost glisten - and with the water in the background, the sun bouncing off of it - reflecting on the bird - it's as though there is gold streaking through him... and wondrous tones of red and green. can you see? he's really quite amazing... i'm sure he has his moments of being obnoxious and annoying - but then don't we all - have those moments, i mean... that doesn't make us any less special or worthwhile or mean that we shouldn't be paid attention to.

there is, no doubt, someone that is deserving of a pat on the back or a well done today from you... yes, you! perhaps in your everyday life... perhaps here in the blip land where you flip through a journal and never leave a comment... maybe today's your opportunity - to do it... leave the comment that says "good job" or "nice shot" or to that person you give a smile - a hug - the pat on the back... do it... i know you can. and believe me - it will make you feel good - very good and will come back to you, too, at some point. and let me be the first to say to you for it, "yay, you - well done - i'm proud of you...!" for it is indeed...


happy day.....

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