no double chin...

...if i hold my head like this

doesn't everybody struggle with a double chin - especially as they age? ... unfortunately, my diva self is getting a tad old... and my fur has been sagging a bit - so i found if i hold my pretty head up a bit... it goes away...

my vet also mentioned - although i hate seeing the vet, gag - that if i run around the house a bit more (that dreaded word exercise)... it would help, too... so i've been chasing dust bunnies at night - back and forth... and forth and back - loads of fun... there's lots of them - oh, oops - i wasn't supposed to mention that...

of course, kitty lipo is an option - however it'd be awful expensive for my mama and will leave scars... plus i'd have to have my fur shaved... ewwww... be partially bald for a while? do i really want that? mew...don't think so... so i've decided it's probably better to just accept myself the way i am - try to have a positive kitty self-image... after all... i am a princess diva - and that won't ever change, will it? so just as my mama says...

it makes for...


happy day.....

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