A Slow Life

By Sootmouth

Movember: Day Seventeen

I think I'm getting better at shaving; the longer my mo' grows the easier it is to follow its outline. You can see the cut I gave myself below the ear a few days ago though. Ouch.

Shirt: Big brother is back again. I really like the colour green but only have one green shirt. Most shades don't do it for me but I think this one does.

Accessory: A crown. A gift from my boss Alison from Movember 2008. Ironic really, as I'm the one who calls her 'Your Majesty' at work.

Expression: Postage stamp solemn. Bizarrely enough I thought I was facing the right way round for a postage stamp. Google soon put the tin hat on that though. Must be getting old - I can't remember anything!

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