Catherine Lacey: BoyStory

By catherinelacey

43 makes 4 and 3

Happy birthday to me!

From a 7am early morning shoot for the Red Cross heroes breakfast in Downtown LA honouring actors and major businesses, to the quick edit turnaround for the press, Skype with my brother Joe and sister Geraldine in the UK, pick up Reuben from school, grab these balloons for Reuben (4) and Callum (3), arrive at the beach caked in fog, have a beautiful Russian girl swinging her camera ask if she can take our pics to practice (seriously - are you a mirage?), to shooting these with little instruction, to running in the sand with the balloons with their 4 and 3s, to Reuben laughing his socks off as he looked up at the air about a minute after the left shot was taken and I realised his balloons were gone to the heavens, to the boys singing happy birthday to me on the beach and all their sweetness with me, to the artwork Jenn had them make for me yesterday, to all the photos I haven't yet seen from my camera and what I envisage them to be, to the fog racing in from the ocean and leaving a hazy glow over the Santa Monica pier lights, to pink icecream at the carousel, bye byes to the boys and out with the girls in Santa Monica. Phew...

Fabulous birthday!

My images were published on the American Red Cross website.

PS My maths skills aren't good enough to work out when next our ages match as they have for the last 6 months with 4 and 2.

Mila's pic right, mine left (5Dii, 24-70, ISO 200, 1/400)

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