Capital adventures

By marchmont

Mirror, mirror

Yes, today was a better day. The weather is still amazing - all the more amazing as this time last year we were heading rapidly towards the 4 weeks of snow storms.

Two bits of good news - having had his meds adjusted my dad is much better. He has to get another scan this week (echo?) but there has been a big improvement. Also spoke to #1 son and things seem more positive there too. Advised them to go to the graduation in Brisbane for Christmas rather than come back here.

On the home front Ross arrived late with the news that the changes I wanted may not be possible but that's ok. By the end of the day I had an oven and fridge freezer installed, if not operational.

It's been quite a medical day. Apart from dad there wasn't such good news from Y about her husband and her sister - tests and results. D, my cousin's wife, is poorly too and couldn't get her treatment this week. Their grandson got home from the Sick Kids yesterday. #2 son was at Neurology at the Western and has a nerve problem who's name I forget (Edit: clinically isolated syndrome) - at present they are saying it's NOT MS. This being middle aged sucks.

After lunch at mum's, where I managed to cascade a whole cup of coffee over the carpet (the relax chair that I don't normally sit on relaxed suddenly, it went back, my feet went up hitting the small table dad had put in front of me, the full coffee cup bounced off the table onto the floor - you get the picture?), J and I walked along Grange Loan to 'Earthy' and then came back by the antique shops in Causewayside. I meant to blip Arthur's Seat looking lovely in the later afternoon sun but I didn't. This is a real emergency blip, a mirror I won't be buying, but I did see one that may be a possibility.

Now waiting for #2 son to come and collect Molly to take her for another holiday to #64. I haven't told her yet - seeing her cat box stresses her.

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