LocalBoy & His Fotographs

By stevenbirrell

Remember Creamola Foam?

This is probably one for Scots of a certain age (and I include myself) and it was a favourite drink for many kids growing up. Creamola Foam came in a metal tin that you scooped off with a spoon. Inside were powdered crystals that you added water to and voila, instant soft drink in a range of flavours!

I'd read a story earlier this year that a few people had tried to recreate the product but that the recipe had been lost by Nestle who still owned the rights to the name, but didn't know how to make it! Retro sweets seem to be all the rage with lots of shops springing up to sell them and I was in one at the Gyle in Edinburgh today.

Spotted this version which had a few different labels of Kranmola Fizz - do you see what they have done there - so had to buy a tin. Haven't yet opened it to try, wonder if it tastes anything like I remember....

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