Life through the lens...

By ValC

Yellow Starry Night.

Jasminum nudiflorum.
Or Winter Jasmine to you and me!

Didn't take this photo at night but this afternoon. Not sure why it has a black background but rather liked it. All the others I took were normal daylight!

This plant was brought from China to the UK in 1844 by Robert Fortune.
It flowers almost every day from November to March and carries sprays of golden starry flowers on bare twigs (hence the name!!) It is perfect for picking.
Although the frost will spoil the open flowers, it does not affect the bronze- tinted buds lined up waiting to replace them.

Not strictly a climber but we have it trained up the wall at the side of the kitchen window. The golden starry flowers look nice on a dull winters day.
Like today!

Flu Jab day today!!
Never look forward to it, but it's nothing really. It's just that I remember jabs when I was a child and they were much worse!!

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