What's left behind

or should that be "after the ordeal"?

I went back to the Doctor's today (this is quite a record for me, I try not to go too often or for no good reason) because the chest infection didn't seem to shift at all. The Doctor thought so too and thought that it might have developed into a basal pneumonia so I was sent for an x-ray etc to the Western General. With a packed bag in case I needed to stay the night.

Hm, not the nicest prospect but at least they were going to get to the bottom of it now. I had my "Magic Mountain" with me (which still seems a terribly appropriate book to read with a wheezing chest) and about 50 pages later I was let out again with a clear chest x-ray and no nothing in my bloods. The slight temperature couldn't be explained and I now only have to send in a sputum sample to see what it was that was bugging me.

I'm now really tired and glad to be home. The taped up bit towards the hand is the one that is most sore, they get blood from there to check the oxygen levels and I'm sure the area will be extremely bruised tomorrow. It seems a small price to pay to know that I am not seriously ill.

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