Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Thank you, Thomas Alva Edison!

A dreary day, making me thankful for lights and electricity as I sat hunched over my computer most of the day. I was going to go for an emergency blip of any bird that happened to land outside my office window, but while I was sitting there waiting, camera poised, I decided to take a picture of the holiday light in my window. Boredom sometimes takes you right where you need to go!

I got a female red bellied woodpecker and the ever popular tufted titmouse, but it was this lowly light bulb that intrigued me today.

Thanks for all the lovely comments and stars on yesterdays' heron. And, if you'd like to see a REALLY good shot of one, check this shot by pooba out - amazing!

Hey, 26 days until you-know-when!

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