Friend Larry

Best viewed friend Larry large

The ever present, ever faithful friend - flown over to my main blip for a special day - well, relieved day.

My mum was wheeled in to the operating theatre at 9am this morning & sedated through a 4 hour operation to repair the bone in her neck. It went really well, in fact, better then expected. Dad & I were there to see her come back from the recovery ward - she was smiling! We sat with her for hours, so relieved, so happy. She can now sit up & hold her neck up, which she hasn't been able to do for so long now! Ok, so we're not out of the woods yet, but we've made a great positive step forward, let's hope we keep moving forward. I can sleep better tonight. So can my Dad, as we haven't slept for 3 weeks. Back to see her tomorrow, they're going to get her up & moving again & hopefully she might *just* be home for the weekend. But it's up to her, she's the most important person right now, actually, she's the most important person right now indefinitely!

Lil' Larry greeted me this morning, so he had to be my main blip. He sang to me through the wild winds & rain. :) xxx

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