Morning Light

It was early as dawn began to break, the air was still as the first bird greeted this calm morning at 4.30am.

I closed the door behind me and tiptoed out to the car as quiet as a mouse, while some cats prowled around wondering what I was up to. I watched the sky light up as I headed out of town, lovely warm quiet colours appeared on the horizon. By the time I got to the beach the colours were a little stronger and the air remained calm while the waves continued to roll upon the beach. More birds were waking as whitebaiters were arriving with their nets claiming their spot for the morning. I perched up high on top of a sand dune waiting for that magic moment of when the sun breaks through and as I sat I was wondering what sort of sunset our Northern Hemisphere blippers were having, were you seeing the warm subtle colours I was seeing? With force and fire the sun appeared rising so quickly - there was no stopping this sun today.

Our day has continued to be calm and warm making gardening a little differcult in the heat of the day - I came inside and wrapped some Christmas presents and discovered I have misplaced some!! I still can't think where they are and a few hours have now passed by - thankgoodness I have time to find them!!

I'm heading out tonight and will probably be behind with comments, I'll try to catch up over the weekend. Hope all is well with you - have a great weekend :)

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