Arizona Dreamin’

By laurie54


Tammy is my brother, Andy's wife. You know, he of the 'internet ghost'?

Tammy likes her picture taken about as much as he does. I tried to sneak up on her and was partially successful, but the pre-shot flash gave her that split second warning.

They left this morning to return to their home in the desert state that ends with "a" that isn't Arizona.

Here, Tammy was reading her Nook while waiting for slowpoke to get ready to leave.

I think Mom must have been really bored when Andy and I were together because all the two of us did was play with our cameras and compare notes. (We have the same ones, different models.) Tammy just kept reading.

I wish they could have stayed longer. But isn't that always the case when someone you love comes for a visit? It's just never long enough.

Last Wednesday it was 79F. Tonight we are under a hard freeze warning. High expected of 47F.

Go figure.

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